Je größer die Kinder werden, desto mehr machen Bräuche und Traditionen Spaß. Wir waren ja letztes Jahr auf einem Kürbisfeld und haben dort tolle Bilder gemacht. Eigentlich wollten wir dieses Jahr auch wieder dort hin. Da das Kürbisfeld aber ca. 1,5 Stunden Fahrtzeit von München weg ist, hätten wir ...
Fall apple plantation photo shooting – Herbstliches Fotoshooting
*English/ German version below* As you all know, Lia ( and I have been with our girls to the family hotel Reiters Finest Reserve family hotel a view weeks ago. On one of the days we were pretty lucky with the weather and used the chance for a little photo shooting at ...
Autumn must-do: Visiting a pumpkin field with our Seed Papilio
*English/ German version below* As much as I do love summer I also do love the fact to get the pullovers and cardigans out when fall is coming. Nights are getting longer and days shorter. Perfect to sit at home on the couch with a cup of tea, covered in a huge chunky blanket and read some ...