*English/German version below* The colder the weather the more I enjoy baking cakes and cookies in the kitchen. There is something romantic about opening the hot oven and getting the steaming cake out. I do love trying simple but also more difficult recipes. A really simple one is a marble ...
How to create the perfect sweet birthday table
*English/ German version below* Somehow time really does fly once you have children. Seems like my girl turned 3 only a few weeks ago but actually she is already coming close to be a 4 year old. And now that we are having our little son time goes by even quicker. So when I got one of those ...
Basic Cake Recipe for Naked Cake, Drip Cake and Motive Cake
*English/ German version below* One of my hobbies is baking cakes, cupcakes, cake pops and so much more. I somehow always had a passion for those sweet things. But it really got me after attending a course how to bake motive cakes a few years ago. On my mum blog CosyFoxes I want to show you ...
Ich glaube, die Liebe zum Backen habe ich von meiner Mutter vererbt bekommen. Jedes Mal, wenn wir sie besuchen, backt sie uns einen Kuchen oder eine Torte für uns. Die Leidenschaft für süße Dinge muss ich einfach von ihr haben. Eigentlich sind ja all ihre Kreationen sehr lecker, aber am Liebsten ist ...