*English/ German version below* #breastfeedingislove #breastfeedingisthebest a lot of hashtags are called like this when it is all about breastfeeding in different social media accounts. No doubt, breastfeeding it the most natural and most probably really the best you can give to your baby when ...
Rezept: Lecker Erdbeer Eis selbst gemacht
*German/ English version below* Sommer, Sonne, Eis am Stiel... Eis essen im Sommer ist für mich einfach ein Muss. Meine Tochter würde ja täglich eines essen, wenn sie könnte. Meistens gehen wir ja zum Eisladen bei uns in der Straße, aber genauso gerne mag ich es, es selbst zuzubereiten. Es ...
Welcome to Munich Mama Blog CosyFoxes
*English/ German version below* My name is Doris, I’m 32 years old, based in Munich, happily married since 2012 and mom of two wonderful kids. My daughter was born in February 2015 and my son in October 2017. It is when I became a mother that I started my first Blog, initially as part of another ...