*English/ German version below* Kids and food is a topic itself. The one child doesn´t like this, the other one doesn´t like that. So mostly a challenge to get the right food for everyone. I am always watching out for new meals I can try out. Where I never do fail (in my kid´s eyes) is with ...
Tap water in Munich: Best for baby and family
*German/ English version below* Nur noch ein paar Tage und die Schulferien sind in Bayern wieder vorbei. Der Kleine geht wieder in die Kinderkrippe und meine Tochter wird in den Kindergarten gehen. Sehr aufregende Zeiten kommen da auf uns zu. Während unser Kleinster sein Früstück in der ...
Tiny kids room inspiration
*English/ German version below* I always do love to watch out for tiny kids room inspiration. We are currently living in an apartment in the city center of Munich. We love the building and the apartment but with 2 children now it is almost too small. Until we can move into something bigger ...
Married to my best friend & love of my life
*English/ German* Since I was a small girl I dreamed about getting married to the perfect man and spending the rest of my life happily together with him. So when Jochen and I got engaged I was more than happy to start with planning our wedding for the 1st of September 2012. As we wanted to become ...
The favorite room of… Paulinchen
*English/ German* As I always do love to sneak into other´s home and rooms I had the idea to start a series where other bloggers do show us their favorite room in there house or apartment. No matter if kids room, bedroom, kitchen or hallway... So here is "The favorite room of..." Ich habe es ...
Basic Cake Recipe for Naked Cake, Drip Cake and Motive Cake
*English/ German version below* One of my hobbies is baking cakes, cupcakes, cake pops and so much more. I somehow always had a passion for those sweet things. But it really got me after attending a course how to bake motive cakes a few years ago. On my mum blog CosyFoxes I want to show you ...
My favorite couscous salad recipe
*English/ German version below* Since quite a while I do use couscous for various dishes in the kitchen. Recently I love preparing couscous as a salad. Hubby and I do loved all kind of salads. Prawns, meet or purely vegetables, we do like them all. Today I want to give you my favorite ...
Perfect for a family day trip with small children: Schliersee Munich
*English/ German version below* I do love living in Munich. Munich is the perfect city to have both: City life and country side. You can enjoy all the advantages to do most things by foot and within 45 minutes you are in the middle of the mountains and lakes. Hiking, skiing, swimming, ...
Lifetime memories – Photo shooting: Me & my kids
It was not the first time that Petra Ruehle and I met up for a little photo session. We went to our location where we have been the last few times as well and I have to say once more I am totally in love... Thank you Petra!!! Es war nicht das erste mal, dass ich mich mit Petra Ruehle auf eine ...
How my baby learned to eat proper food instead of baby pap
*English/ German version below* Kids and food is often a never ending story. Every newborn baby is getting milk as a first meal in its life. No matter if formula or breastfeeding, at least for the first 4 months this is their main food. With the start of the 5th month you can start with baby ...