*English/ German version below* Wow, what a summer this year in Munich. Feeling wise the best summer in a long time. We had weeks with almost no rain in between. So this year we really cannot complain about not having a summer. The only problem in summer time I have is the fact that I am not ...
Packing suitcases for a family holiday
*English/ German version below* I love to go on holiday with my family. And I do always prefer flying somewhere warm and sunny instead of going on a winter skiing holiday. My kids love playing in the water (no matter if pool or seaside) and can keep themselves busy for ages. I still ...
DIY – Baking mix for American Cookies
*English/German version below* In my eyes a baking mix is always a good idea, but they should be made by yourself. When I was looking for a farewell present for the lovely girls working at my daughter´s day care I immediately thought about a DIY baking mix for American cookies. It is perfect ...
Baby summer fun with Stokke Flexi Bath
*English/ German version below* We always loved to go to the public swimming pool here around the corner in summer time. As soon as the temperature went above 25 degrees we packed our bags, I picked up my daughter straight after creche and spent the whole afternoon in the water. We had ice ...
Update: 9 months with our baby boy
*English/ German version below* It is already 9 months ago that I gave birth to our sweet little boy. I somehow cannot really believe that in 3 more months he will be 1 year old. Since it has been now a while that I did an update on what happened and how he changed our lives I want to give ...
Erdbeeren pflücken – eine alljährliche Tradtion (2016)
*English/ German version below* Strawberry picking is a great memory from my childhood. I still remember going there in the summer time with my mom. Every now and then I am thinking back at that time and see my mom picking strawberries for some marmalade or cake. Of course we children simply were ...
Books as part of evening bedtime routine
*English/ German version below* I guess I am talking for a lot of parents when I say that bedtime in the evenings can end up in a nightmare especially if you have no bedtime routine. There are kids where it is a big discussion every single evening and there are children where it is not a ...
Ich glaube, die Liebe zum Backen habe ich von meiner Mutter vererbt bekommen. Jedes Mal, wenn wir sie besuchen, backt sie uns einen Kuchen oder eine Torte für uns. Die Leidenschaft für süße Dinge muss ich einfach von ihr haben. Eigentlich sind ja all ihre Kreationen sehr lecker, aber am Liebsten ist ...
Erdbeeren pflücken – eine alljährliche Tradtion {2018}
*English/ German version below* I am a really big fan of family traditions as I love looking back to certain memories in my childhood like Christmas, Easter time or one more thing strawberry picking. This the third year in a row that I take the kids with me to a strawberry field and collect ...
Traveling adventure: On my own with 2 children
*English/ German version below* Some people said I am pretty brave and crazy that I want to travel by plane with 2 children on my own. And in hindsight I think it really was an adventure. It started when my husband and I were talking about his yearly men`s weekend get together with his dad, ...